East Plano Islamic Center | MasjidID: 1110 | Views:40 | Share Masjid

4700 14th Street, Plano, TX 75074, Plano Texas - 75074, United States

No details provided | No details provided | (214) 396-1943

Masjid Website URL: https://epicmasjid.org/

Prayer Iqamah
Fajr 05:30 AM
Dhuhr 02:00 PM
Asr 06:30 PM
Magrib 06:30 PM
Isha 10:10 PM
Jummah Khutba
Jumma1 01:45 PM
Jumma2 03:15 PM
Jumma3 04:30 PM
Total masjid events: 0

About Us

EPIC is a non-profit tax-exempt organization (with Tax-ID: 20-0629612) that has been formed exclusively for educational, religious, and social purposes. It is registered with the Internal Revenue Service under revenue code 501(c)(3). All of its activities are in accordance with the teachings of the Quran and following the teachings and traditions of Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be upon Him). EPIC is a multi-ethnic, multi-racial, multi-lingual, non-sectarian, diverse, and open community committed to full and equal participation and involvement of men and women who are community members of EPIC and subscribe to accept its rules, regulations, and procedures. EPIC is committed to civic and civil engagement with communities of other faiths and society at large..