Masjid Umar ibn Al-Khattab | MasjidID: 1104 | Views:29 | Share Masjid

1025 W. Exposition Blvd, Los-Angeles California - 90007, United States

No details provided | | 323-733-9938

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Prayer Iqamah
Fajr 04:19 AM
Dhuhr 12:51 PM
Asr 05:36 PM
Magrib 08:00 PM
Isha 09:23 PM
Jummah Khutba
Total masjid events: 0

About Us

Our Vision Render of Islamic religious services to the Muslim population of the area. Provide Islamic education, Islamic youth leadership training programs and Islamic Outreach activities. Disseminate information about Islamic culture and history to universities, colleges and schools to integrate in their curriculum. Cooperate with other Islamic organizations, mosques and institutions in the area. Establish partnerships with academic, cultural, scientific institutions and faith based non-profit organizations. Establish an Islamic research facility open to the use of the general public and to specialized needs of the intellectual and academic community. Establish a community based learning center to provide enrichments programs to neighborhood children. Promote a dialogue dealing with the issues of religion and its service to the population in the 21st century..